Sandra Charreire-Petit participera au 9ème Congrès RIODD 2014 sur ce thème « Environnement et travail: quelles relations ? ». Ce congrès se tiendra à Bordeaux du 1er au 3 octobre 2014. Sandra Charreire-Petit y présentera un travail dans la session ‘Emploi et Environnement dans la RSE territoriale’, écrit avec un co-auteur, Julien Cusin, et intitulé « Un dispositif RSE de retour à l’emploi ou l’entreprise comme tuteur de résilience : le cas de Suez Environnement »
Abstract : Beyond the now classic theoretical criticisms of the essentially instrumental referred CSR policies , it appears that certain practices among the most proactive – such as help for ” rebound ” for people excluded from the labor market – are ignored by firms. However, the role of resilience tutor seems to correspond to the wishes of the company itself, in terms of commitment to CSR . In this context, we question the role of resilience tutor through the case of an associative structure, located in Bordeaux, and launched by Suez Environment in November 2011: House for rebound. The qualitative data analysis allows for several interesting results : 1) a device using the rebound helps to produce meaning after past failures and to ( re) build a professional project, but is little use in terms of absorption of shock due to exclusion from the labor market. 2) by emphasizing the impotence of a single device to promote the rebound of people excluded from the labor market, our research revealed the existence of a “resilience system ” that enrich prior knowledge on the resilience tutor, traditionally discussed in the literature.
Vous trouverez le programme général de ce congrès ici.