Jean-Noël Senne is currently on a research mission in Madagascar from the 16th of October to the 13th of November.
He will be hosted by the ROR in Antananarivo (Réseau des Observatoires Ruraux). Since twenty years, the ROR implements longitudinal surveys on a rotating and representative sample of rural households, based on more than ten observatories spread across the whole country. To date, the ROR remains one of the unique and ongoing panel surveys in Africa which aims at investigating the dynamics of poverty and vulnerability over the long run.
Jean-Noël Senne will particularly contribute to the training of surveyors, students and statistical engineers to the collection and analysis of panel data, with funding from the NOPOOR project.
He will also attend the ROR Final Conference on Rural Development where he will present his paper “Death and Schooling Decisions over the Short and the Long Run in Rural Madagascar”.