La prochaine séance du séminaire Hotelling, commun au CES-ENS Cachan et à l’ADIS, se déroulera le jeudi 17 octobre 2013 de 16h à 17h30, à Sceaux. Nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir Volodymyr Vakhitov (Kyiv School of Economics) , qui présentera : « Effect of ‘Negative Clusters’ on Productivity of Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from Ukrainian Firm-Level Data ».
Abstract : Multiple studies of agglomeration economies usually reveal a positive impact of density of business activity in a city on productivity of all local firms. However, as recent developments on behavior of heterogeneous firms suggest, not all firms are able to benefit from external scales economies in the same manner. In our previous work (Vakhitov and Bollinger, 2010) we found that ownership type matters a lot. In this paper, we use firm-level data from Ukraine to test a hypothesis if the quality of environment matters as well: Are firms in cities with relatively more depreciated capital stock less productive than their counterparts in more flourishing cities? What features can a city possess to boost productivity of local firms? These issues lead to an important policy question: is there a “point of no-return” for a city after which there is no sense in continuing investing there, since the capital replenishing rates become negative, and the productivity effects actually become negative? Is an example of Detroit decline a sad exception, or one of possible trajectories in urban development?
Lieu du séminaire :
Université Paris Sud – Faculté Jean Monnet
Salle Jean Gaudemet Bâtiment D – 1er étage
54, Boulevard Desgranges , Sceaux
RER B Station Robinson
Le programme du séminaire pour l’année 2013-2014 et le plan d’accès à la salle Jean Gaudemet sont disponibles ici
Les organisateurs
Nathalie Etchart-Vincent
José de Sousa
Thomas Vendryes