Hazem Ben Aissa participated at the 25ème Congrès de l’AGRH “De nouveaux modèles de GRH ?” in Montpellier on November 4-6. He presented the paper co-written with N. Sassi, entitled : “Analyse des niveaux de stress des cadres selon le modèle du Job/Demand/Resource”.
Surveys conducted on stress provided a greater visibility in mapping the main exposed occupations as well as a readability of interacting individual and organizational factors in order to explain the origin of this risk (ANACT, 2006; DARES, 2012). While these surveys underline the job categories that seem to be highly exposed to stress, like business executives for instance, they do not reveal the differences in perception of this risk; these differences can be attributed to the very nature of professional environment in which workers evolve; nor do they explain the possible inequalities within the same profession.
In line with Bakker and his colleagues’ works (Bakker et al., 2003, Bakker et al., 2005), we keep on the model of “Job/Demand/Resource” ( J/D/R) in order to throw more light on the interaction between job constraints, workload especially, and organizational resources used by
business executives.
This article has a twofold objective as it tries to identify the critical components of the organizational demands conveyed by the perceived workload and also to identify the available resources that may explain why not all business executives do not have the same stress level.
The qualitative investigation draws upon 20 interviews. Results bring forward the component-
matching of workload and the resources that business executives will dispose of, which will enable us to define four different profiles facing stress.