Outline of the fellowship for a Post-Doc Position On “Complementarities and Innovation growth”:
Post-doctoral Position within the Reseach Group  RITM (Réseaux  Innovation,Territoires, Mondialisation) in the framework of the research Institute ISIS ( of Paris Saclay IDEX (Initiative of Excellence ).
The research is conducted jointly with CRG (Ecole Polytechnique), GREGHEC (HEC) and LTCI (Telecom ParisTech).
Context of the research
The fellowship’s purpose is to provide opportunities for  a  young  researcher to join a leading research initiative on Science, innovation and Society (ISIS). The research aims at modelling how different intangibles (R&D, innovation capabilities, Brands , etc.)  and their related practices (e.g. open innovation) contribute to the performance of firms  and economic growth, including SMEs.
The key topics  to be carried out under the present scholarship call, are mainly related to :
Public –private complementarities for intangible investments
-Modelling complementarities
-Collecting and Analysing data
-Delivering research outputs
Beside the conduct of the ad hoc researches, the post-doc will contribute to the organisation of
an international workshop on compementarities and innovation
Contact : Professor Ahmed Bounfour
Starting date : January 1st 2015
Duration: 1 year