Valérie Nicolas-Hémar attended the 8th International Child and Teen Consumption Conference in Angoulême, on 3- 6 April 2016.
She presented the two following papers:
Positioning the child at the heart of his/her school lunch. The case of French primary school canteen
Abstract: This research aims to understand how French State school canteen, at the junction of diverse socio-cultural influences, is experienced by 6-11 year old children and to what extent it contributes to their food well-being. Drawing on the eco-systemic model of human development developed by Bronfenbrenner (1979), it is based on an action research study conducted in the school canteens of a French city. The findings show that children’s confrontation to various food norms and habits may generate tensions detrimental to their school lunch experiences. Assuming that the child’s agency needs to be more recognised, it provides recommendations towards public and private actors in charge of school cafeterias.
How do Danish and French children make sense of well-being in food context? A cross-cultural approach of the concept of Food Well-Being, in collaboration with Liselotte HEDEGAARD (University College Lillebaelt, Odense, Denmark)
Abstract: While Children’s well-being in food context is traditionally associated with healthier practices by stakeholders with interests in childhood, this communication invites them to enlarge their vision of food by adding the concept of food well-being (FWB). Based on these considerations, this research aims at exploring children’s representations and experiences of FWB. Drawing on literature in positive psychology and food socialisation, it relies on a qualitative study based on drawings and discourses and carried out with 8-11 year old Danish and French children. The findings contribute to the elucidation of FWB from children’s perspective identifying four dimensions (taste, health, commensality, empowerment). Besides, while FWB is based on common needs, the way these needs are satisfied seems in some ways to be socio-culturally dependent.