La prochaine séance du séminaire Hotelling, commun au CES-ENS Cachan et à l’ADIS, se déroulera le jeudi 21 février de 16h à 17h30, à l’ENS Cachan. Nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir Eve CAROLI (Université Paris Dauphine, LEDa-LEGOS et Paris School of Economics), qui présentera un article co-écrit avec Mathilde GODARD (CREST-ENSAE) : “Does job insecurity deteriorate health? A causal approach for Europe”
Abstract: This paper estimates the causal effect of job insecurity on health in a sample of 22 European countries. We rely on an original instrumental variable approach based on evidence that workers feel more insecure with respect to their job if employed in sectors with a high natural rate of layoff, but relatively less so if they live in a country where employment is strongly protected by the law. Using cross-country data from the 2010 European Working Conditions Survey, we show that when the potential endogeneity of job insecurity is not accounted for, the latter appears to deteriorate almost all health outcomes. When tackling the endogeneity issue, the health-damaging effect of job insecurity is confirmed for a subgroup of health outcomes, namely self-rated health, being sick in the past 12 month, suffering from headaches or eyestrain and depression or anxiety. Job insecurity also appears to deteriorate individual well-being. As for other health variables, the impact of job insecurity appears to be insignificant at conventional levels.
Lieu du séminaire :
ENS Cachan – Amphithéâtre Fonteneau
Bâtiment d’Alembert (face entrée ENS) – 1er étage
61, avenue du président Wilson, Cachan
RER B Station Bagneux
Le programme du séminaire pour l’année 2012-2013 est disponible ici
Les organisateurs
Nathalie Etchart-Vincent
José de Sousa
Emmanuelle Taugourdeau