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Thèmes de recherche
• Capital immatériel et Management des connaissances
valorisation des intangibles et prix de transfert
• Innovation, business models et plateformes
• Systèmes d’information et performance
transformation numérique
Responsabilités académiques
• Ancien Directeur de l'axe : Réseaux, Innovation, RITM
• Fondateur et titulaire de la chaire européenne de l'immatériel de l'Université Paris-Saclay
• Coresponsable du pôle Business Models de l'ISN - Institut de la société numérique, Université Paris-Saclay
• Directeur scientifique de la Conférence mondiale sur le capital immatériel des communautés- Intellectual capital for communities, Nations, Regions, Cities and Emerging Communities, Banque Mondiale : World Bank Institute, depuis 2005, et avec l'UNESCO/programme IFAP (2016-2019)
. Réviseur du Rapport - IPR-Intensive Industries and economic Performance in the European Union, 2022-
• Coordinateur du comité scientifique et rapporteur général du programme international de recherche ISD , Fondation Cigref (2008-2015)
• Editeur de : SpringerBriefs in Digital Spaces, et Espaces Numériques, Springer.
• Evaluateur, Membre du Comité scientifique, et rédacteur en chef invité : Systèmes d’Information et Management
• Evaluateur, Membre du Comité scientifique, et rédacteur en chef invité: Journal of Intellectual Capital
. Evaluateur et rédacteur en chef invité - Science and Technology Policy
• Evaluateur et Membre du Comité éditorial de Journal of Intelligent Enterprise
• Evaluateur et membre du Comité Editorial de Intellectual Capital (Espagne)
Associate Editor, Digital Transformation and Society
• Membre du Comité de lecture de la Revue Française de Gestion
• Evaluateur et rédacteur en chef invité : R&D Management
• Evaluateur pour Journal of Knowledge Management
• Evaluateur pour International Journal of Technology Management
• Evaluateur pour Management Decision; California Management Review, Research Policy, Digital Transformation and Society, International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
• Cofondateur (2005) et Président du New Club of (2008-2020)
In the field of intangibles, including digital assets, Pr Ahmed Bounfour conducts researches, as a part of a large reflection on competitiveness, value creation and future socioeconomic systems development. He has published several papers and edited several special issues on intangibles measuring and valorisation (Journal of Intellectual capital, R&D Management, SIM).
The Management of Intangibles, Valuation of intangibles & transfer pricing, Informations systems management and organisational design, Digital platforms and business models
As chair professor at Université Paris-Saclay, Scientific Director of the World Conference on Intellectual capital initiated with the World Bank, Paris, since 2005, and later coorganised in partnership with UNESCO IFAP programme , in Paris (2016-2019).
Co-Initiator of the Franco-German agenda on intangibles, via a joint partnership between Université Paris-Sud, European chair on intellectual capital and University of Heidelberg
Invited speaker in different conferences and working groups dealing with intangibles and digital transformation : METI, Waseda university , WICI Japan and Knowledge Management Society Japan, National Academies (US), Naval Postgraduate School, CA, European Commission DG Connect Academy, DG Research, Royal Institute of Strategic Studies, IRES-Rabat, Federal University of Rio Janeiro, Kobe University Japan, Hangyang University, Seoul , Hong Kong Polytechnic University, National Sun-Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, ISCAE Casablanca, Al Akhayun University, Ifrane, among others.
The AI competences 2035, a project aiming at delineating the next generation of competences, globally as well as in specific sectors (financial services, IP sector)
The J-Curve project, in partenarship with Gakushuin University (Tokyo) aiming at measuring the contribution of intangibles to productivity in Asia and Western countries
The European research project Hermeneut- (2 M Euros budget) (2017/2019), aiming at the measurement of the impact of cyberattacks on intangibles of firms and organisations
The European Research project – GlobalInto- (3 M Euros budget), dedicated to the analysis of the impact of intangibles on productivity and economic growth (2019-2022)
The ANR project on cloud computing and organisational design – CBOD (2013-2018)
A research project for INPI on valuing IPRs complementarities (2014/2015)
The European chair on intangibles programme , since 2008, with the focus of different facettes of intangibles: measurement, reporting, valuation, management, transfer pricing
Emeritus Professor, founder and Titular of the European Chair on Intellectual Capital, Université Paris-Saclay, Visiting researcher on Innovation & Digital platforms, OECD, Director of the Master degree on Managing Intellectual capital , Université Paris-Saclay :
Among his recent/ on-going activities and projects:
- as visiting researcher to OECD, developing a framework for the analysis of digital platforms strategies and their implications for innovation policy;
- Visiting and affiliated professor, UM6P, Africa Business School, Rabat
- leading a major European research project Hermeneut-(2 M Euros budget) (2017/2019), dealing with the measurement of the impact of cyberattacks on intangibles of firms and organisations;
- leading an ANR project on cloud computing and organisational design – CBOD (2013-2018);
- coordinating a research on intangibles of territories in Europe and the development of a related innovation index , in partnership with a large financial institution;
- coordinating a research on modelling knowledge transfer from universities to the market, with the aim of developing a maturity model for TTO – Technology Transfer Offices;
- coordinating a research on intangibles reporting in annual reports and social media, using a big data approach;
- leading an important international research programme of the future of digital use in enterprises and societies, ISD- launched in 2009 by CIGREF and involving 50 large research institutions worldwide ( The programme led to the emergence of the concept of Acceluction as the new paradigm for characterising the emerging modes of organisational design and value creation in digital spaces.
- Editor of SpringerBriefsSeries on Digital Spaces(Springer).
- Member of the Special Committee overseeing the new development model of Morocco, appointed by the King Mohammed VI (2019-2021)
- Co-founder (2005) Vice-president and President of the New Club of Paris ( (2008-2020), the network on intellectual capital entrepreneurs worldwide. In this position, he contributed to / or led several Round Tables for innovation strategies at national level for several governments and institutions: The Prime Minister of Finland (2007), The Parliament of Austria (2009),The ONA Foundation, in Morocco (2008), The PLF Foundation in Malaysia (2010) among others.
Author of several books and papers on intangible assets valuation and innovation policy and strategies, among these:
- Sternberger, C. , Caillaud, F., Bounfour, A. (forthcoming), “A New data-based analytical framework for patent appropriation strategies: the case of the cosmetic sector”,. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
- Bounfour A., Housel, Silkey, and A. Nonnis (forthcoming), “Digital transformation and strategic agility during the Covid-19 crisis: the role of the intangible capital conversion”, Digital Transformation and Society.
- Nonnis, A, Bounfour, A, & Kim,K-O, (2023), "Knowledge spillovers and intangible complementarities: Empirical case of European countries", Research Policy, Volume 52, Issue 1, January 2023, 104611,
- Bounfour, A, Etienne, J-M, Cheng, X, Nonnis, A. (2022) , ”How do firms use cloud computing to transform their organization? Evidence from a global survey”, Digital Transformation and Society, Vol 1, issue 1,
- Nonnis, A, Bounfour, A. (2022), ”The impact of public sector intangibles and their components on private productivity’ , International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, Vol 12, N°4, published online on November 4, pp 568-572 - DOI
- Kim, K., Bounfour, A., Nonnis, A., & Özaygen, A. (2021). "Measuring ICT externalities and their contribution to productivity: A bilateral trade based approach. Telecommunications Policy, 45(2), 102085.
- Beliaeva, T, Bounfour, A., Nonnis, A. (2021), "Modelling intangibles at regional level in Europe: what lessons from a multidimenational approach”, Knowledge Management Research and Practice,
- Nonnis, A., Bounfour, A., Özaygen, A., Kim, K. O., & Beliaeva, T. (2021). "The combined contribution of intangible capital and global value chain participation to productivity". International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 11(1), 21-37.
- Bounfour, A., Piekkola, H. and Bloch, C. (2020), “Editorial”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 21 No. 5, pp. 641-647
- Books (including chapters)
- Bounfour A. (Forthcoming), “ Mobilising intangibles under the community regime”, in Johannes Glueckler (Ed.), Professions and Proficiency, Knowledge and Space series, Springer, Heidelberg.
- Bavdaž,M., , Bounfour, A., Martin, J. , Alberto Nonnis, A. , Giulio Perani, G. , and T. Redek (2023), ” Measuring Investment in Intangible Assets” , in Ger Snijkers et al.(Editors), Advances in Business Statistics, Methods and Data Collection, John Wiley, 2023. chapter 5, pp 79-104.
- Platforms, Artificial Intelligence, and the next generation of competences, Springer, 2022
- Intangibles, Market Failure and Innovation Growth (with T. Miyagawa), Springer, 2015
- Digital Futures, Digital transformation, From Lean production to Acceluction, Springer (2016).
- Le Capital organisationnel, Springer, Paris, 2011.
- Organisational Capital, Modeling, Measuring, Contextualising, Routledge, London, & NY. 2009.
- Capital immatériel, connaissance, performance, L’harmattan, Paris, 2006
- Valeur et performance des systèmes d’information, Dunod, 2006 (with G. Epinette)
- Intellectual Capital for Communities, Nations, Regions and Cities, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington, MA (coedited with Leif Edvinsson), 2005
- The Management of Intangibles, The Organisation’s Most Valuable Assets, Routledge, London & New York. 2003
- Le management des ressources immatérielles, Dunod, 1998.