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I am a development economist interested in questions involving labor markets and related topics in developing countries (primarily Africa): migration, aspirations, household resource allocation and mental health in poor settings.
Labor markets in developing countries, International migration, Aspirations, Household resource allocation, School-to-work transition, Mental health.
Labor economics, B. Sc., (Licence 2)
Data analysis (Introduction to R), B. Sc. (Licence 3)
Advanced Development Economics, M2 Economics.
Agricultural economics and policy, M1 Développement Durable
Surveys and fieldwork, M2 Développement Durable.
Pourquoi faut-il relier migration et éducation ?, The conversation, 30 mai 2019.
AERC Collaborative Research Grant - 15 000$.
Graduate School Starting Project Grant - 6 600 €.
Member of the steering committee of the French Association of Development Economics
Member of the council of the Graduate School of Economics & Management
Co-organizer of the Economics Seminar of Paris-Saclay
Research fellow of the Institut Convergence Migrations
Research associate at LEDa-DIAL (PSL, IRD, CNRS)
'Role Models, Aspirations and Desire to Migrate', with S. Mesplé-Somps, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2023, 212, p. 819 - 839.
'Informality and inequality: the African case', with A. David and Y. Diallo, Journal of African Economies, 2023, 32(S2): 273-295.
“The economics of the Syrian crisis in neighbouring countries: the case of Lebanon“, with A. David, M. A. Marouani and C. Nahas, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change (formerly Economics of Transition), 2020, Vol. 28(1), 89-109.
“When solidarity fails: Heterogeneous effects on children from adult deaths in Senegalese households ”, with Philippe De Vreyer, World Development, 2019, Vol. 114, 73-94.
“The School-to-work transition in developing countries”, Journal of Development Studies, 2018, Vol. 55(5), 745-764.
“The Labor Market Effects of Skill-biased technological change in Malaysia”, with M. A. Marouani, Economic Modelling, Vol. 57, 2016 (September), 55-75.
“Foreign Workers in Malaysia: Labor Market and Firm Level Analysis.”, with X. Del Carpio, M.A. Marouani, C. Ozden, M. Testaverde and M. Wagner, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, Vol.52(1), 2015, pp. 1-19.
In French:
'Migration and rural development in NENA countries', with A. David, Région & Développement, Vol. 53, 2021.
Les migrations internationales des Maliens, with S. Mesplé-Somps, Région & Développement, Vol. 52, 2021.
“Voter ici et là-bas: les Tunisiens à l’étranger depuis 2011”, with Thibaut Jaulin., Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 2015, Vol. 31(3&4), 41-71.