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Christianne-Joelle Ghomsi Magne is a PhD student in Marketing at the RITM, under the supervision of: Pr. Nathalie Guichard and Pr. Amélie Clauzel. Her subject focuses on the effects of the luxury brands discourse on sustainable development regarding animal welfare, over consumers perceptions and representations.

PhD Student in Management
R(éseaux), I(nnovation)
Membre actuel

Luxury, Consumer behavior, Animal welfare, Sustainable Development.

Oral Communications :

  • RITM Management Seminar, 16th February 2023, Paris-Saclay University, Sceaux, France


  • Meetings of AFM 2023 "Marketing facing societal challenges", 25-26th January 2023, IÉSEG Paris, France
  • JNRC, 17-18th November 2022, Le Havre, France
  • Colloquium (doctoral) of ALCOR, 16th November 2022, Le Havre, France
