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Jean-Michel ÉTIENNE is an Associate Professor, HDR, at the University Paris-Saclay, where he teaches microeconomics, industrial economics, and econometrics at various levels, ranging from the second year of the Bachelor's program to the second year of the Master's program.

He also holds several administrative responsibilities in the second year of the Bachelor's program and the second year of the Master's program.

There is no specific overarching theme to his research.

The general focus of his research lies within the field of applied micro-econometrics.

His research work revolves around two main research axes :

i) Frequentist optics research and ii) Bayesian optics research.

In frequentist optics research, He has worked on the following themes: Inequalities in the labor market, Social inequalities in health, The price formation process in the fish market, The Hedonic Housing Prices in Paris, The influence of innovation on inclusive growth, Two-way random effects model with serial correlation, Nighttime lights pollution and economic activities.

In Bayesian optics research, He has worked on the following themes: Determinants of R&D expenses, The importance of innovation in a total factor productivity model, Links between CO2 emissions and economic activities, Determinants of economic growth, Risks of nosocomial infections and accidents associated with healthcare.

Associate Professor of Economics
Membre actuel
  • Labor Economics, Innovation Economics, Health Economics,
  • Digital Economics, Theoretical and Applied Microeconometrics.

Cours magistraux

  • (2010-2012), Économie monétaire et financière, Licence 2ieme année de Sciences Économiques et Gestion, Université Paris Sud.
  • (Depuis 2012), Micro-Économie 2 : Concurrence imparfaite Licence 2ieme année de Sciences Économiques et Gestion, Université Paris-Saclay.
  • (Depuis 2012), Principes d’Economie Industrielle, Master II, Innovation, Valorisation de la recherche (IVR), Université Paris-Saclay.
  • (2012-2016), Outils et méthodes pour le traitement des Données, Master I, Entreprise, Technologie et Territoire (ETT), Université Paris Sud.
  • (Depuis 2015), Économétrie 2, Master I, Innovation, Entreprise, Société (IES), Université Paris-Saclay.
  • (Depuis 2015), Théorie des organisations/Théorie de la Firme, Master I, Innovation, Entreprise, Société (IES), Université Paris-Saclay.
  • (Depuis 2016), Time Series, Master II, Innovation, Marché et Science des Données (IMSD), Université Paris-Saclay.
  • (Depuis 2015), Introduction à l’Analyse Économique, Licence 3ième Année, Institut Mines-Télécom, Business School
  • (Depuis 2015), Séries Temporelles avec R, Licence 3ième Année, Institut Mines-Télécom, Business School


Travaux dirigés

  • (Depuis 2010), Séries temporelles, Master I, Banque, Monnaie et Finance, Université Paris II et Master I Ingénierie Economique et Statistique, Cursus Master Ingénieur, (CMI EFIQuaS), Université Paris II.
  • (Depuis 2010), Économétrie, Licence d’Analyse Economique, Cursus Master Ingénieur (CMI EFIQuaS), Université Paris II.
  • (Depuis 2010), Économétrie Appliqué, Licence d’Analyse Economique, Cursus Master Ingénieur (CMI EFIQuaS), Université Paris II. 


Bresson, G., Etienne, J.M. and G. Lacroix, 2020, Infections, Accidents and Nursing Overtime  in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Bayesian Semiparametric Panel Data Logit Model (soumis à health economics).

Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, Growth empirics: a Bayesian semiparametric model with random coefficients for a panel of OECD countries,

– Advances in Econometrics Conference in Honor of Cheng Hsiao, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, October 26-28, 2018.

– 23th International Panel Data Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 7-8, 2017.


Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, Carbon dioxide emissions and economic activities: a mean field variational Bayes semiparametric model with random coefficients for a panel of countries, Research Seminar, Department of Economics, Université Laval Québec, Canada, September, 15, 2017.


Etienne, J.M., Lyubareva, I. and F. Rochelandet, Business models, diffusion of innovation and imitation in cultural and creative industries: The case of online press. 

          – Research Seminar, Cultural industries and digital platforms, Labex ICCA, France, Paris, November 14-15, 2016.

          – World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEMC), USA, New York, May 2-6, 2016. 

          – 19 th International Conference of ACEI, Universidad de Valladolid, Espagne, Valladolid, June, 21-24, 2016.


Etienne, J.M. and F. Facchini, An explanation for French Fiscal Leviathan History (1870-2010), Maastrich Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Freiburg (Germany), April, 2016.


Bresson, G., Etienne, J.M and P. Mohnen, Inclusive growth and innovation: a dynamic simultaneous equations model on a panel of countries, 

– Econometric conference in honour of François Laisney, University of Strasbourg, (BETA) June 4-5, 2015,

– 8th Conference on MicroEvidence on Innovation in Developing Countries (MEIDE) jointly with the OECD and World Bank International

– Conference on Innovation for Inclusive Growth, New Delhi, India, February, 10-12, 2015.


Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, Hedonic housing prices in Paris: an unbalanced spatial lag pseudo-panel model with nested random effects,

– Conference on Cross-Sectional Dependence in Panel Data Models, Cambridge University, UK, May 30-31, 2013.

– 19th International Conference on Panel Data, Centre for Econometric Analysis, Cass Business School, London, UK, July 4-5, 2013.


Bresson, G., Etienne, J.M and P. Mohnen, How important is innovation? A Bayesian factor-augmented productivity model on panel data,

– 5th International Forum of Statistics, Renmin University, Beijing, China, July 14-15, 2012.

– 18th International Conference on Panel Data, Banque de France, Paris, July 5-6, 2012.

– Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Santiago, Chile, November, 10-13, 2011.

– 5th Conference on MicroEvidence on Innovation in Developing Countries (MEIDE), San José, Costa Rica, June, 27-28, 2011.


Bresson, G., Etienne, J.M. and D. Legros, Two-part hierarchical model with correlated random effects : an application on households gasoline expenditures in French communes, 14th International Conference on Panel Data, Xiamen University, China, July, 16-18, 2007.


Etienne, J.M. and M. Narcy, Gender Wage Differentials in the French Non-Profit and For-Profit Sectors: Evidence from Quantile Regression.

– Conférence de la Fédération Travail, Emploi et Politiques Publiques (TEPP) : Measuring Discrimination, Every-val-d’Essonne, December, 2007.

– Conférence de l’Association Française de Science Économique (AFSE), Paris, September, 2007.


Abdelmoulah, M. and J.M. Etienne, What Determines R&D Investment in French Firms : A Two- Part Hierarchical Model with Correlated Random

– Conférence de l’Association Française de Science Économique (AFSE), Paris, September, 2007.

– First European Conférence on Corporate R&D, Séville, Espagne, October, 2007.


Cavaco S., Etienne, J.M. and A. Skalli, Identifying Causal Paths between Health and Socio-Economic Status: Evidence from European Older Workforce Surveys, IZA Workshop, Bonn, Allemagne, May, 2007.


Cavaco S., Etienne, J.M. and A. Skalli, Estimating a Structural Model of Causal Paths between Health and Socio-economic Status: Evidence from an European Older Workforce Survey, 7th Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS), Grahamstown, Afrique du Sud, July, 2006. 


Etienne, J.M., Health and Socio-Economic Status: Is it Measured income or Permanent Income that Matters?, 20th Annual Conference of the European Society of Population Economics (ESPE), Vérone, Italie, June, 2006.


Cavaco S., Etienne, J.M. and A. Skalli, Health and Socioeconomic Status: A New Approach to the Simultaneity Problem, International Health Economics Association (IHEA), Barcelone, Espagne, Juillet 2005.


Etienne, J.M., Skalli, A. and I. Theodossiou, Do Economic Inequalities Harm Health? Evidence fromEurope, International Health Economics Association (IHEA), Barcelone, Espagne, July, 2005.


Etienne, J.M., Skalli, A. and I. Theodossiou, Do Economic Inequalities Harm Health? Evidence from Europe, Fourth Workshop and Coordination Meeting of the SOCIOLD project, Helsinki, Finlande, October, 2004.


Etienne, J.M., Health and Socio-Economic Status: Is it Measured income or Permanent Income that Matters ?, Fourth Workshop and Coordination Meeting of the SOCIOLD project, Helsinki, Finlande, October, 2004.


Etienne, J.M. and A. Skalli, Health Status and Socioeconomic Inequalities: A Review of the French Literature, 2nd workshop and Coordination Meeting of Sociold project, Thessalonique, Grèce, May, 2003.

  • Responsable pédagogique de la Licence 2 Economie et Gestion, Université Paris-Saclay.
  • Responsable pédagogique de la Licence L1/L2 accélérée en Economie et Gestion, Paris-Saclay.
  • Responsable pédagogique du Master II (EAD), Innovation, Valorisation de la Recherche (IVR).
  • Co-responsable pédagogique du Master II Innovation, Marché et Sciences des Données (IMSD), Université Paris-Saclay (depuis 2012).
  • Beltampo, M., Bresson, G., Etienne, J.M. and G. Lacroix, 2022, Infections, accidents and nursing overtime in a neonatal intensive care unit, The European Journal of Health Economics, (forthcoming) (published online 2021, October. 19).
  • Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, 2020, Growth empirics: a Bayesian semiparametric model with random coefficients for a panel of OECD countries, inAdvances in Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Cheng Hsiao, vol. 41, 217-253. (Pesaran, M.H., Li, T. and D. Terrell, eds.), Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Baltagi, B.H, Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, 2019, Carbon dioxide emissions and economic activities: A mean field variational Bayes semiparametric panel data model with random coefficients, Annals of Economics and Statistics, 134, 43-78.   
  • Etienne, J.M., Lyubareva, I. and F. Rochelandet, 2019, The evolution of business models in the online press: Between creativity and imitation, Cultural Industries and Digital Platforms, Labex ICCA/Peter Lang.
  • Bresson, G., Etienne, J.M. and P. Mohnen, 2016, How important is innovation? A Bayesian factor-augmented productivity model on panel data, Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 20, 8, 1987-2009.
  • Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, 2015, Hedonic housing prices in Paris: An unbalanced spatial lag pseudo-panel model with nested random effects, Journal of Applied Econometrics, (published online 2014, Feb. 27), 30, 3, 509-528.
  • Bresson, G., Etienne, J.M. and P. Mohnen, 2015, Inclusive growth and innovation: a dynamic simultaneous equations model on a panel of countries, STI Policy Review, 6, 1, 1-23.
  • Etienne, J.M., Manant, M. and S. Pajak , 2015, Divulgation de données personnelles en présence du logo d’une institution publique : une expérimentation de terrain, Réseaux, N 189.
  • Etienne, J.M. and A. Vignes, 2011, Price formation on the Marseille fish market: Evidence from a network analysis, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 80, pp. 50-67.
  • Etienne, J.M., Skalli, A. and I. Theodossiou, 2011, Do Economic Inequalities Harm Health? Evidence from Europe, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 20, No. 3-4.
  • Abdelmoulah, M. and J.M. Etienne, 2010, What Determines R&D Investment in French Firms: A Two-Part Hierarchical Model with Correlated Random, The Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol. 19, No. 1, 53-70.
  • Etienne, J.M. and M. Narcy, 2010, Gender Wage Differentials in the French Non-profit and For- profit Sectors: Evidence from Quantile Regression, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, No. 99/100, pp.67-90.
  • Etienne, J.M., and A. Skalli, 2006, Health Status and Socioeconomic Inequalities: A Review of the French Literature, in Asplund. R. ed. Socio-economic and Occupational Effects on the Health Inequality of the Older Workforce,