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Thesis title “Intermediaries in innovation ecosystems. Delineating practices and context of European Knowledge Transfer Organisations”
“A clustering study of European Knowledge Transfer Offices based on their Commercialisation DNA” , Kreiling, L., 20 June 2019, R&D Management, Paris, France.
“ASTP New Metrics Committee – An approach for the clustering of European KTOs” Kreiling, L. and Scanlan, J., 22 May 2019, annual conference ASTP, Dublin, Ireland.
“Grouping similar knowledge transfer organizations – a clustering approach” Kreiling, L., 20 Mar 2019, annual conference of Technologie Allianz, Frankfurt, Germany.
“Comparing European knowledge transfer organisations – development of a clustering method” Kreiling, L., 10 Jan 2019, RITM Management seminar, Université Paris-Sud, Sceaux, France.
“Finding your peers – towards the comparison of European knowledge transfer organisations” Kreiling, L., 14 Dec 2018, WOIC (World Open Innovation Conference) conference, UC Berkeley, United States.
“KTO activities reporting” and “The KTO practice-based maturity model” Kreiling, L., 19 & 20 Sep 2018, ASTP-Proton TTO executive training ‘Organising your KTO for Growth and Success’, Leiden, the Netherlands.
“Open Innovation Intermediary Performance – Development of a Practice-based Maturity Model” Kreiling, L., 04 Jul 2018, R&D Management conference 2018, Milan, Italy.
“Knowledge transfer and the impact issue: an institutional perspective” Kreiling, L., 14 Jun 2018, IC14 (World Intellectual Capital Conference) conference, UNESCO, Paris, France.
“Options for Technology Transfer in EU context” invited panel speaker at ASTP-Proton Annual conference, May 2018, Liège, Belgium
“Innovation intermediaries in Regional Innovation Systems (RIS): The influence of RIS stakeholders on their organisational roles”
Kreiling, L., 14 Dec 2017, WOIC (World Open Innovation Conference) conference, UC Berkeley, United States.
“A holistic practice-based model to understand link between resources, practices and KTO performance”
Kreiling, L. & Bounfour, A., 23 Nov 2017, ASTP-Proton Fall Meeting,Guimarães, Portugal.
“Knowledge strategies for S.M.A.R.T. Sustainable Development”
Kreiling, L., 29 Sep 2017, IDUAI (UNESCO International Day of Universal Access to Information) eLearning Africa conference, Mauritius.
“Technology transfer as “set of practices”: Towards a maturity model”
Kreiling, L., 04 Jul 2017, IC’13 (The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities ) conference, UNESCO, Paris, France.
“The influence of territorial anchoring on technology transfer organisations in regional innovation systems: Towards a paradox between economic and territorial values?”
Kreiling, L., Serval, S. & Bounfour, A. 02 Jun 2017, AIRMAP (Association Internationale de Recherche en Management Public) conference, Nice, France.
“Expert judgement in resource forecasting – the use of the Delphi method to achieve group consensus”
Kreiling, L. & Hird, A. 22 Jun 2016, GDN (Group Decision Making and Negotiation) conference, Bellingham, Washington, USA.
“Expert Judgement in resource forecasting: insights form the application of the Delphi method”
Hird, A. & Kreiling, L. 21 Jun 2016, EurOMA 2016, Trondheim, Norway.
“Expert knowledge elicitation for the creation and validation of models in the absence of data”
Kreiling, L. & Hird, A. 14 July 2015 Euro conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Reviewer for EUROMA, EURAM, ISPIM, AOM and Journal of Business Research
Editor/Reviewer in Course Quality Advisory Board (CQAB) at Erasmus Mundus Association (2016 – 2019)
ASTP-Proton Survey Committee member (2017 – today) & New Metrics Sub-committee Lead (2018 – 2019)
Chargée de Mission Doctorant-Conseil, Université Paris Saclay, Direction Innovation et Relations Entreprises (2017 – 2019)
Journal articles:
Kreiling, L., Scanlan, J. (2020) “A European clustering study with Knowledge Transfer Office DNA”, International Journal of Intellectual Property Management,
Kreiling, L., Bounfour, A. (2019) “A practice-based maturity model for holistic TTO performance management: development and initial use“, Journal of Technology Transfer,
Kreiling, L., Serval, S., Peres, R., Bounfour, A. (2019) “University technology transfer organizations: Roles adopted in response to their regional innovation system stakeholders”, Journal of Business Research,
Conference papers:
2019: “A clustering study of European Knowledge Transfer Offices based on their Commercialisation DNA” Kreiling, L., Scanlan, J., R&D Management conference 2019.
2018: “Finding your peers – towards the comparison of European knowledge transfer organisations” Kreiling, L., WOIC (World Open Innovation Conference) 2018.
2018: “Open Innovation Intermediary Performance – Development of a Practice-based Maturity Model” Kreiling, L., Bounfour, A., R&D Management conference 2018.
2018: “ENRICH Community Building – Development of a Decision Support Tool for Membership Selection” Haunschild, J., Kreiling, L., IFKAD (International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics).
2017: “Innovation intermediaries in Regional Innovation Systems (RIS): The influence of RIS stakeholders on their organisational roles” Kreiling, L., Serval, S., Peres, R. & Bounfour, A. WOIC (World Open Innovation Conference) 2017.
2017: “The influence of territorial anchoring on technology transfer organisations in regional innovation systems: Towards a paradox between economic and territorial values?” Kreiling, L., Serval, S. & Bounfour, A. (AIRMAP).
2016: “Expert judgement in resource forecasting – the use of the Delphi method to achieve group consensus” Kreiling, L. & Hird (GDN).
2016: “Expert judgement in resource forecasting: insights form the application of the Delphi method” Hird, A. & Kreiling,(EurOMA).
2015: “Expert knowledge elicitation for the creation and validation of models in the absence of data” Kreiling, L. & Hird, A. (Euro conference).