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Professor of Economics

Full Professor of Economics
T(erritoires), M(ondialisation)
Membre actuel

International trade

Economic Geography

Macroeconomics (L1)
International Economics (L2 Law)
International Trade (Master Economics)

Crozet, Demir, Javorcik, "Trade insurance matters: Evidence from the Covid-19 pandemic", vox-eu

Crozet, Hinz, Stammann, Wanner, "Firms' exporting behavior to countries under sanctions", vox-eu

Crozet, Hinz (2016), “Collateral damage: The impact of the Russia sanctions on sanctioning countries’ exports”, Vox-EU

Crozet, Milet (2014), “Vers une industrie moins… industrielle ?”, Lettre du CEPII.

Crozet, Gourdon, Mayer, Mayneris, Mirza (2013), “L’efficacité des dispositifs de soutien à l’exportation”, Lettre du CEPII.

Crozet (2012)<em>, ”Les défits de l’hétérogéneité de l’Union Européenne”, Regards croisés sur l’économie.

Crozet, Milet, Mirza (2011), “Le club ultra-select des firmes exportatrices de services”, Lettre du CEPII.

Krugman, Obstfeld, Melitz, Capelle Blancard, Crozet (2022) Economie internationale, Pearson France (adaptation française du manuel US)

Crozet, Lafourcade (2009), La nouvelle économie géographique, Repères.

Head of M2 Economics – Université Paris-Saclay

Président de la Section d'économie - Faculté Jean Monnet

Elu du conseil de faculté


Associate Editor European Economic Review


September 2017-: on leave at Lingnan University (Hong Kong)

September 2016-August 2017: on leave at CUHK (Hong Kong)

Working Papers

"Blowback: the effect of sanctions on democratic elections", with Julian Hinz
"Exchange rate pass around", with Julian Hinz and Federico Trionfetti

Published Papers

Crozet M., L. Hering and S. Poncet (2024) "Is there a bright side to the China syndrome? Rising export opportunities and life satisfaction in China", World Bank Economic Review.

Crozet M., B. Demir and B. Javorcik (2022) “International trade and letters of credit: A double-edged sword in times of crisis”, IMF economic review

Crozet M., J. Hinz, A. Stammann and J. Wanner (2020) ”Worth the pain? Firms’ exporting behavior to countries under sanctions", European Economic Review

Crozet M. and J. Hinz, 2020. ”Friendly fire: The trade impact of the Russia sanctions and counter-sanctions”Economic Policy, January 2020, Volume 35(101), p. 97-146.

Crozet M. and E. Milet, 2017. “Should everybody be in services? The effect of servitization on manufacturing firm performance”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 26(4) p. 820-841

Crozet M., E. Milet and D. Mirza, 2016. “The impact of domestic regulations on international trade in services: Evidence from firm-level data”, Journal of Comparative Economics , 44(3), 585-607

Crozet M. and F. Trionfetti, 2013. “Firm-Level Comparative Advantage” Journal of International Economics, 91(2), pages 321-328.

Crozet M., G. Lalanne and S. Poncet, 2013. “Wholesalers in international trade” European Economic Review, 58: 1-17.

Crozet M., K. Head and T. Mayer, 2012. “Quality sorting and trade: Firm-level evidence for French wine” Review of Economic Studies, 79(2): 609-644.

Crozet M. and P. Koenig, 2010. “Structural gravity equation with extensive and intensive margins” Canadian Journal of Economics, 43(1).
Winner of the Harry Johnson Prize 2010 for the best article in Canadian Journal of Economics.

Crozet M. and F. Trionfetti, 2008. “Trade costs and the Home Market Effect”, Journal of International Economics, 76(2) pp. 309-321.

Crozet M., 2004. “Do Migrants Follow Market Potentials? An Estimation of a New Economic Geography Model”, Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 4 (4), August: 439-458.

Crozet M., P. Koenig-Soubeyran , 2004. ” EU Enlargement and the Internal Geography of Countries”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol.32 (2), June: 265-279.

Crozet M., H. Erkel Rousse, 2004. “Trade performances, product quality perceptions and the estimation of trade price-elasticities” Review of International Economics, Vol. 12 (1), February: pp. 108-129

Crozet M., T. Mayer , J.-L. Mucchielli 2004. “How Do Firms Agglomerate? A Study of FDI in France” Regional Science and Urban Economics Vol. 34 (1), January: 27-54.

Brülhart M. , M. Crozet, and P. Koenig , 2004. “Enlargement and the EU Periphery: The Impact of Changing Market Potential”  The World Economy , Vol. 27(6), June:853-875