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I am a Ph.D. student in Economics at RITM (University of Paris-Saclay) and an R&D engineer at Orange Labs. I obtained a master’s degree in Economics at Pantheon-Assas University, with a specialization in network industries, competition, and regulation. My career was oriented towards the study of the transportation market: I worked as a research analyst at the French Transport Authority and the RATP group.

I am particularly interested in the new issues on sustainable mobility, impacted by innovations, development of technologies and new digital services. I joined the RITM, in collaboration with Orange Labs, to work on these topics with Nicolas Soulié and Fabrice Le Guel. My studies are focused on traveler’s well-being, smartphone use, field experiment by collecting smartphone data on traveler’s mobility.

PhD Student in Economics
T(erritoires), M(ondialisation)
Membre actuel
Non précisé

Transportation Economics, Digital Economics, Consumer’s behavior, Field Experiment

Management Economics (IMT-BS, 36h)

Conferences and seminars :

2019 :

  • PhD student workshop organized by the French Digital Economics Association (AFREN).
  • SENSE Seminar organized by Orange Labs
  • RITM Seminar

2020 :

  • Marsouin Seminar 2020
  • Paris Young Economists Seminar on the Economics of Digitization

2021 :

  • Les doctorales de l’ARSDLF (Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française)
  • Les 3èmes Rencontres Francophones Transport et Mobilité

2022 : 

  • 2022 CogSci Conference


SUMO (Orange Labs, 2019-2021): Impact of smartphone use during mobility on time’s perception and well-being in transport

PhD student at University of Paris-Saclay, researcher at Orange Labs

Reviewer for the Revue d’Economie Industrielle

Risienne Mazengani, Jean-Marc Josset, Nicolas Soulié. Conditions, activités, habitudes et bien-être dans les transports quotidiens : étude de cas à Paris-Saclay. RTS – Recherche Transports Sécurité, IFSTTAR, 2022, 2022, 17p. ⟨10.25578/RTS_ISSN1951-6614_2022-04⟩.

Risienne Mazengani, Jean-Marc Josset, Nicolas Soulié. “Online activities’ fragmentation and multitasking during travel time: a case study at Paris-Saclay and Rennes”, working paper.

Jean-Marc Josset, Risienne Mazengani, Nicolas Soulié. “Use of mobile data and interpretation of daily mobility”, work in progress.

Jean-Marc Josset, Risienne Mazengani, Martin Ragot, “Self-report vs. objective data. What impact of monitoring on smartphone use regulation?”, work in progress. 

Risienne Mazengani, Jean-Marc Josset, Martin Ragot (2022) "Self-report vs. objective data. What impact of monitoring on smartphone use regulation?", 2022 CogSci Conference.