Arielle SANTE and Fatima SHUWAIKH attended the 18th EURAM Conference in Reykjavik , on 19- 22 June 2018.
Arielle SANTE presented the following paper: Elaborating and practicing a team’s strategy in an academic research centre, in collaboration with Pascal Corbel.
Abstract :
Strategy-as-Practice focuses particularly on the practice of strategy and highlights the link between Praxis – the strategic activity which influences the direction of the organization, Practitioners – the actors of the strategy – and Practices – the resources mobilised by the latter in their strategic activity.
This communication aims to position itself in the particular context of public research centres, in the interaction of Praxis as the « strategic scientific team », carried and defended by its leader, and the Practices activated from the creation process, throughout the team’s life cycle.
Our result will show that the most used Practices are behavioural and procedural, being directly linked to the organisational context, even though in this context, the autonomy and freedom of the team leader is highlighted, and even claimed.
Fatima SHUWAIKH presented the following paper: What are the moderators that impact the entrepreneurial venture’s innovation? Comparing ventures backed by corporate and independent funds.