Miren Lafourcade will participate in the Spatial Economics Seminar that will take place at the Tinbergen Institute in Amsterdam, on November 15th. She will present the paper entitled “Labour productivity gains from the “Grand Paris Express” rail project” joint with Pierre-Philippe Combes (University of Lyon and Sciences Po) and Laurent Gobillon (Paris School of Economics, CNRS). This paper provides an estimation of the changes in workers’ earnings and firms’ value-added arising from the “Grand Paris Express” metro project. This large transport investment (€29 Bn) is expected to create around 115,000 jobs adding to the natural growth of the Paris region over 2016-2030, and to generate long-run time savings between Parisian suburban areas. The paper quantifies the static and dynamic agglomeration economies conveyed by these job creations, under different migration responses to the project and under different skill endowments of movers.