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My primary fields of research are labor economics, discrimination and gender economics, and international economics.
The following questions provide an overview of topics I am interested in and currently conducting research on (check my google's Work in Progress page!):
- Do gender quotas work?
- Are consumer tastes affected by trade globalization?
- Is trustfulness a determinant of comparative advantage?
International economics and trade
Labor economics (gender, discrimination)
International and European Economy — Undergraduate Law (L2)
- Gender and Discrimination — Master of Economics (M1)
- Globalization: Issues & Challenges (with Claire Lelarge) — Master of Economics (M2)
- Columns for Telos, Lavoce et VoxEU-CEPR
- Small gender differences that become large: The role of competition, 15 Jan 2023, with Guillaume Hollard.
- Labour mobility and wage discrimination: Theory and evidence, 13 February 2015, with Pierre Deschamps.
- Time to ship during financial crises, 20 October 2012, with Nicolas Berman, Philippe Martin and Thierry Mayer.
- Market access in global and regional trade, 20 November 2012, with Thierry Mayer and Soledad Zignago.
- 2022-2023 H-CODE Paris-Saclay, AAP Blanc - Projet Travail à domicile, risque et e-santé, avec S. Charreire Petit (8995 euros).
- 2022 EUGLOH-UPSaclay Research Cooperation Program, projet Occupational gender segregation in times of crises (4500 euros).
- 2019-2022 Participation à la chaire d'excellence TANED, gérée par Claire Lelarge (U. Paris-Saclay).
- 2019-2021 Projet pluridisciplinaire ECOCEL sur les secteurs aéronautique et spatial financé par le Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et de la Recherche Stratégiques avec des juristes (CEI, CNES), des spécialistes de mécanique spatiale (ISAE-Toulouse), et des géographes (EHESS) (157000 euros).
- 2019-2020 Financement de Stanford pour un.e assistant de recherche sur le sujet The Positive Effects of Affirmative Action : A Case Study in France (17500 euros). Embauche et encadrement de Floriane Dieuleveut.
- 2019 Financement du département de l'Université Paris-Saclay, Nourrir les villes : manger local ou global ?, avec S. De Cara (INRA Eco Pub) et C. Gaigné (INRA SMART) (2000 euros).
- 2018 Financement du département de l'Université Paris-Saclay, Organisation et performance des entreprises du secteur aéronautique en France, avec F. Toubal (ENS Paris-Saclay) et M. Nakaa (U. Paris-Sud) (2500 euros).
- 2017 Financement CEPREMAP-ENS : Export Decision under Risk avec A.-C. Disdier (PSE INRA) et C. Gaigné (INRA SMART) (2500 euros).
- 2015-2016 Financement de la Fondation de Coopération Scientique Campus Paris-Saclay Projet Globalisation et Développement Durable (15 000 euros).
- 2014-2015 : OSE Labex PSE: “Export Decision under Risk” with A.-C. Disdier and C. Gaigné.
- 2012-2013 : AAP Attractivité Université Paris Sud, avec S. Chédor.
- 2012 : Programme 5 du CEPREMAP: “Nouvelles dimensions de la mondialisation : piraterie maritime, commerce et développement”, avec T. Verdier.
- 2010-2011 : ICRG Research Contract (LSE): “Trade and the Financial Crisis”, avec N. Berman, P. Martin et T. Mayer.
- 2010-2011 : Projet AFD-Trésor: “Le coût de la non-méditerranée”, avec D. Mirza.
- 2010 : Programme 5 du CEPREMAP: “Migration internationale, confiance et commerce”, avec T. Mayer, S. Tai et M. Thoenig.
- 2007-2010 : Participation à l’ANR : “Guerre, terrorisme et commerce international”, avec D. Mirza et T. Verdier.
- 2023-2025 Membre du comité Women in Economics (WINE) de l'European Economic Association (EEA).
- 2023 Comité de sélection MCF CRED, U. Paris 2.
- 2021-2024 Membre de la commission mixité de la Fédération Française des Echecs.
- 2020-2024 Conseil scientique national du département de recherche EcoSocio INRAE.
Publications in English
⊳ Trust and Specialization in Complexity : Evidence from U.S. States, with A. Guillin, J. Lochard et A. Silve. Journal of Behavioral and Economics and Organization, forthcoming.
⊳ From Micro to Macro Gender Differences: Evidence from Field Tournaments (with Guillaume Hollard, CREST), Management Science, 69(6):3358-3399, 2023.
Replication package is here.
In the news: VoxEU CEPR column, Sciences Po Liepp Policy Brief #62.
⊳ Labor Mobility and Racial Discrimination (with Pierre Deschamps), European Economic Review, 135, 2021.
- The line: When monopsony power is low because of relaxed labor mobility constraints, firms cannon act on their prejudice and discrimination.
⊳ Export Decision under Risk (with Anne-Celia Disdier and Carl Gaigné), European Economic Review, 121, 2020.
- The line: The most productive exporters are more affected by a higher industry-wide expenditure volatility than the least productive exporters..
⊳ Terror networks and trade: Does the neighbor hurt? (with Daniel Mirza and Thierry Verdier), European Economic Review, 107, August, 27-56, 2018.
- The line: network-related terrorism redistributes trade flows across countries, including those countries that are not a direct source of terror.
⊳ On the value of partial commitment for cooperative investment in buyer-supplier relationship (with Xavier Fairise), Journal of Economics, 111(2), 151-171, 2014. BibTeX
- The line: a renegotiable contract may induce more cooperation than an informal arrangement can.
- Supplemental material: Proof of proposition (footnote 6).
⊳ Time to ship during financial crises (with Nicolas Berman, Philippe Martin and Thierry Mayer), NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2012, 225-260, 2013. BibTeX
- The line: the negative impact of financial crises on trade is magnified for destinations with longer time-to-ship
- NBER working paper 18274, CEPR Discussion Paper 9089 and Vox CEPR column.
- Comments: Helène Rey (p. 261 – 263); Cédric Tille (p. 264 – 267).
⊳ Market access in global and regional trade (with Thierry Mayer and Soledad Zignago), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42(6), 1037-1052, 2012. BibTeX
- The line: measuring market access over a large set of industries and developing and developed countries.
- MPRA working paper 35602. CEPR Discussion Paper 9085 and Vox CEPR column. Trade and Production Data at the 3-digit ISIC level (1980-2006)
⊳ “The currency union effect on trade is decreasing over time”, Economics Letters, 117(3), 917-920, 2012. BibTeX
- The line: the currency union impact on trade is decreasing over time.
- The latest and short version. The longer one with detailed results: MPRA working paper 35448.
- Data on Regional Trade Agreements (1958-2014) and Currency Unions (1948-2009)
⊳ “Trade and colonial status” (with Julie Lochard), Journal of African Economies, 21(3), 409-439, 2012. BibTeX
⊳ “Does the single currency affect foreign direct investment?” (with Julie Lochard), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113(3), 553-578, 2011. PDF
- The line: yes!
- Supplemental material: Table of the timing of the euro effect on FDI.
- Data on Bilateral FDI (1982-2005).
⊳ “How are wages set in Beijing?” (with Sandra Poncet), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 41(1), 9-19, 2011. BibTeX
⊳ “Geographic distance and remittances in Romania: out of sight, out of mind?” (with Laetitia Duval), International Economics, 121, 81-98, 2010.
⊳ “Trade and the spillovers of transnational terrorism” (with Daniel Mirza and Thierry Verdier), Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, P&P, 145(IV), 453-461, 2009. PDF
⊳ “Does international openness affect the productivity of local firms? Evidence from Southeastern Europe (with Joze Damijan and Olivier Lamotte), Economics of Transition, 17(3), 559-586, 2009. PDF
⊳ “Does political disintegration lead to trade disintegration? Evidence from transition countries” (with Olivier Lamotte), Economics of Transition, 2007, 15(4), 825-843.
⊳ “Do currency barriers solve the border effect puzzle? Evidence from the CFA Franc Zone” (with Julie Lochard), Review of World Economics, 141(3), 422-441, 2005. PDF
⊳ “The impact of foreign capital on local supply companies. The case of Hungary” (with Xavier Richet), Economic Systems, 2000, 24(4), 324-329.
Publications in French
⊳ “La piraterie maritime : Faits stylisés et mécanismes économiques", avec M. Mercier, Revue française d'économie, 2019, 34(3), 167-198.
⊳ “Séparation politique et désintégration commerciale” (with Olivier Lamotte), Revue économique, 60(4), 891-903, 2009. BibTeX
⊳ “Histoire coloniale et commerce international” (with Julie Lochard), Revue économique, 60(3), 635-645, 2009. BibTeX
⊳ “Union monétaire et IDE : quels sont les effets de l’euro ?” (with Julie Lochard), Revue économique, 2006, 57(3), 419-430.
⊳ “La qualité du cadre juridique constitue-t-elle une barrière au commerce ? Application aux économies en transition” (with Anne-Célia Disdier), Revue économique, 57(1), 135-149, 2006.
⊳ “Investissements directs étrangers et intégration : quels enseignements pour les PECO ?” (with Julie Lochard), Économie et Prévisions, 163, 87-100, 2004.