Wednesday, June 5n 2019 – 9h00 to 18h00

This event, supported by the MSH Paris-Saclay has been organized by Sandra Charreire Petit (RITM / UPSaclay), Eric Fouassier (GRADES / UPSaclay) & Damien Talbot (ClerMa / Université de Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne).

Qu’en est-il du déploiement en France, accéléré au plan politique depuis septembre 2018, des dispositifs de e-santé ? Qu’en est-il plus particulièrement en termes d’usages par les différentes parties prenantes (patients, médecins, soignants en HAD, pharmaciens, associations de malades, start-up du champ de la santé…) ?

What about the expansion of e-health devices in France, which has been politically accelerated since September 2018? More specifically, what is the situation in terms of use by the various stakeholders (patients, doctors, AHH caregivers, pharmacists, patient associations, healthcare start-ups, etc.)?

How do people perceive these new e-health and e-pharmacy pratices and systems (tele-expertise, teleconsultation, remote monitoring/observance, remote assistance, etc.), which are largely based on dematerialization and data exchange?

Could these new systems generate new risks or divides (digital – social – economic – technological – generational) in the future, which could jeopardize the objectives set by public decision-makers?

The aim of this workshop was to initiate debates on e-health and e-pharmacy within the Paris-Saclay community and beyond, by bringing together different social science disciplines ( law – management – geography – economics, information systems) with health-related disciplines (e.g. medicine, pharmacy, computational biology).

More details on this event