The uses of social robots, conversational agents, and “intelligent” digital environments in health, education, insurance, transport, or economics reflect a phase of significant change in human-machine relations. How will Humans co-learn, co-create, and co-adapt with the machine? Notably, how will vulnerable people be protected against potential threats of the machine? The Chair HUMAAINE aims to analyze the influence of intelligent and affective systems on humans. It focuses on the detection of social emotions in a human voice, and the study of audio and spoken language “nudges” intended to induce changes in the behavior of the human interlocutor. This work is complemented by experimental studies to evaluate ethical aspects and confidence in machines.

The HUMAAINE Chair pushes forward a strong interdisciplinary collaboration between affective computing, behavioral economics, linguistics, and natural language processing. This Chair is the laureate of a 595,084 € grant funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR):