Management durable : des raisons d’espérer ?
Anne Janand coordinated the book “Management durable : des raisons [...]
Anne Janand coordinated the book “Management durable : des raisons [...]
Léa Dorion and the AIMS Working Group on Critical Perspectives [...]
Amélie Clauzel, Nathalie Guichard, and Valérie Nicolas-Hémar published their paper [...]
Clotilde Coron published her paper “How to do HRM with [...]
The next RITM Management Seminar will be held on Thursday, [...]
Youcef Mechouar published his paper “Une approche multi-acteurs de la [...]
Léa Dorion published her paper “Empowering the already powerful? A [...]
Sophie Rauch, a RITM post-doctoral researcher funded by the Chair [...]
Clotilde Coron (RITM, Université Paris-Saclay) is the laureate of an [...]
The next RITM Management Seminar will be held on Thursday, [...]