Bien-être et alimentation: Une identification des axes de communication à destination des enfants consommateurs
Valérie NICOLAS-HEMAR, in collaboration with Pascale EZAN, has recently published [...]
Valérie NICOLAS-HEMAR, in collaboration with Pascale EZAN, has recently published [...]
Valérie Nicolas-Hémar attended the 8th International Child and Teen Consumption [...]
The next RITM Management Seminar will take place on Thursday [...]
Valérie Nicolas-Hémar a co-organisé une journée d’études « Mon robot, [...]
As a research partner of Smag For Livet research programme [...]
Valérie Nicolas-Hémar attended the Third International Colloquium on Kids Retailing [...]
Valérie Nicolas-Hémar presented the two following papers at the 33rd [...]
Valérie Nicolas-Hemar, in collaboration with Angélique Rodhain, has published the [...]
Valérie Nicolas-Hémar presented her paper “Becoming a student or how [...]
Valérie NICOLAS-HEMAR a soutenu son Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches [...]